New year is an occasion that tends to spring up the desire to do something new, accomplish something or start afresh on something.
Here are a few questions that may facilitate you to take a wise decision. Go ahead and try asking these questions to yourself!
What is that one quality that I might to focus on as a personal growth project? Something that will positively influence my life. Is it to do with being a calmer person or a person who is more sensitive to needs of others, more tolerant of others’ weaknesses, less self-critical or something else that is relevant for you?
Can I accept working on this as continuous process that I can begin rather than as a one shot/magical change on the first day of the year or the first week or the first month ?
Now, what could be a very small and simple step towards moving on this process? What can I try to do every day , say for the next 1 week and then reaffirm and re-adjust the next week and so on?
Remember the following as you embark on this journey:
- A small step forward begins from wherever you are and not from some other ideal point.
- Any small step is a movement.
- Consistent small steps means progression
- When moving forward, you may occasionally feel tired/face an obstacle, or even go back for some reason. That is not failing. It is all bound to happen and its fine as long as you remember to re–centre and focus on the next best step each time, given your goal and your circumstance.
- Wear an appreciative lens. Being compassionate and appreciative of your own efforts can be a big energy booster you can allow yourself.
- Enjoy the process of intentional development and growth!