When: 28th to 29th February 2020 (Friday & Saturday)
What duration: 2 full days (9.30 am to 4.30 pm)
For whom: College teachers from non-psychology backgrounds, mentors dealing with youth ( 17 – 25 years)
Where: NIMHANS Center for Well-being, BTM Layout, Bengaluru
What’s the fee : 1000/-
Who is the resource person: Dr Seema Mehrotra, Positive Psychology unit, Professor, along with research staff, Dept. of Clinical Psychology, NIMHANS, Bangalore.
Upper limits: Max. no. of participants: 30 (and not more than 4 from any one institute)
What will be the coverage of topics: Mentoring needs of youth, supporting positive youth development through mentoring, do’s and don’ts of mentoring; offering support for mental health and wellbeing during routine mentoring interactions with youth, motivating and helping youth mobilize resources in times of distress.
How to register? Please drop us a mail, with the subject line -mentoring. Tell us about yourself and why you wish to participate: positivepsychology.nimhans@gmail.com (before 21st of February 2020)