Single Step

Do you remember any moment when you were suffering alone and somebody came along and  just  comforted you… by asking a small genuine question about what was troubling you or mentioning that you seemed to be having a difficult day or just stopping by for a minute and listening to your troubles? 

Do you remember how that small gift of time by someone made a bit of difference, touched you, made you feel a little less alone, even if for a short while or helped you to keep going…?  

Do you remember one such moment and its beauty? Or do you remember just wanting to have one such moment wherein someone would just be with you and listen to you patiently, and try to be a witness to your struggles in life…?

If you remember vividly receiving that gift or wanting that gift, you can also imagine how you can be the giver of the gift for someone —someone feeling alone, feeling troubled, feeling down… 

A tiny fraction of your time that you can give away to someone, just being there, just listening to their daily hassles or the big challenges they are dealing and listen to their feelings….can be one of the greatest and yet the most powerful gift give you can give away…

So, here we are, urging you to give away that tiny fraction of your day to take a pause and reach out to someone, who may need a listening ear  … 

Please click on the link and open the message in the video:  let us know that you commit to try this – by clicking on the button at the end…

Also, pass  the link to this page to others….…

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