If you were to make a list of all your friends…. it would turn out to be a fairly long list. If you make a list of common problems that individuals go through in life…depression is very likely to be somewhere on top of the list …
Sometimes we are so preoccupied with our own selves; we forget to check on our friends…
Sometimes, we do guess that a friend may be going through a difficult phase- feeling low, feeling unsure and confused-
But we ignore… we give up on the chance to instill hope,
Sometimes, we give up the chance to break the silent zones and help the friend to ‘hold on’
So, here we are, urging you to look through your list of friends-
& send a message of hope and affection to someone who may need it today…
Please click on the link and open the message in the video: Send it to someone who may need it, along with your personalized message